Tagged How To

Want To Learn How to Skateboard?

An adrenaline rush is defined as a physical feeling of intense excitement and stimulation caused by the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands. That’s gnarly! Do you know what else is gnarly? Learning how to…

Quick Tips to Help Care for Your Silverware

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many people have family silver they bring out for special occasions. Did you know that cleaning away the tarnish yearly will eventually wear away the silver? Consider these tips from the…

Baking with Becca: Cooking Outside the Box... Cinnamon Apple Cake

Becca at Whitman Library This week we are making Cinnamon Apple Cake ! I was inspired by our first recipe and blog post for Apple Yogurt Cake , but I was not content. I wanted it moister and needed to try another recipe to get me…

Catalog Browsing Hacks to Find Books for the Whole Family!

Welcome back to our third and final blog post on how to use the Free Library’s website and catalog to find books for your family. In part one of this series, we learned how to search the catalog. In part two , we discovered where…

Tips on Discovering Books and Resources for the Whole Family Through Our Explore Topics

Welcome to our second blog post on how to use the Free Library’s website to find books for your family. In the first part of this series, we learned how about how to “narrow search” options while browsing in our…

Tips on Searching for Books for the Whole Family in Our Catalog!

I know a lot of parents and caregivers out there miss taking a trip to the library. Believe me, we miss having you! One part of using the library that is harder when you can’t actually come into the library is picking out books to…

Celebrate the Holidays with Gingerbread

One of my favorite treats for the holidays is making gingerbread! Did you know that gingerbread was derived from Greece in 2400 b.c and was originally meant to preserve ginger? Gingerbread was a term used for any recipe that combined…

Cooking with Pomegranates: Seeds the Day!

Pomegranates! They are unique red fruits filled with many juicy seeds, with a sweet and tart taste. While these fruits grow in warmer climates, they can be available in some local Philly stores in the fall and early winter months. …

Using the City's Online Maps to Find Free Food Distribution and COVID-19 Testing Sites

As COVID-19 cases surge in our city, Philadelphia health officials have announced a new Safer at Home plan, which aims to limit the spread of this virus through this difficult period. Vaccines for COVID-19 are currently under…

Noodles Across Tables

Thank you to Nourishing Literacy (NL) team member Carolyn for writing this blog post! In addition to sharing her experience and findings, Carolyn has included some of the activities and approaches that we use in NL. The…

How to Apply for Emergency Rental Assistance: A Walk-through for Tenants and Landlords

Are you a renter who has lost income due to COVID-19? You may qualify for rental assistance through the City of Philadelphia's Emergency Rental Assistance Program . Phase 2 of this program is currently accepting applications, and…

Whipping Up a Dream Pie

As a child, I loved eating, tasting, and experimenting with different ingredients. On Saturdays, I would spend my day watching cooking shows before the Food Network became a thing. It was my dream to become a chef and I practiced what…

6 Tips for Keeping Your Produce Fresher and Longer

Really want to get the most out of your veggies? Then don’t let them go to waste! Check out these six tips from the Culinary Literacy Center for keeping your produce fresher longer.   6. Frozen is just as good as fresh! Did…

Making Sense of Food Scraps

by Nourishing Literacy  staff members Shayna M. and Carolyn After reading a New Yorker article a few weeks ago, our curiosity and interest grew in how to use kitchen scraps in resourceful ways. Tamar Adler, the highlighted…

NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month!

NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month , is a creative exercise in perseverance for writers everywhere. It is a challenge to write 50,000 words of a novel during the 30 days of November. That's around 12,500 words per week or…

It's National Leftovers Day!

Ever wonder what to do with that slightly wrinkled bell pepper sitting in your produce drawer, or that Tupperware of cooked rice? Have you ever felt an overpowering sense of humdrum eating, heated up leftovers? One’s first…

Nourishing Literacy | Handwashing How-To for Young Children

Nourishing Literacy is the Culinary Literacy Center ’s school visit program, enjoyed by thousands of Philly students every school year. Hands-on cooking classes connecting to Common Core standards, culinary skills, and nutrition…

It's National Novel Writing Month—Get Motivated to Start Writing Your Own Book!

If you totaled up all your tweets, comments, texts, and Facebook posts for one day, do you think they might add up to 1,667 words? They might very well – in which case, why not try your hand at NaNoWriMo , or, as…

So You Want To Draw Comics...

Have you ever read a graphic novel or a comic strip and thought, "I would love to make my own comic... but I don’t know how!" Well, good news! The Free Library has tremendous resources about how to create comics, and…

Back to School Resources | The Artemis Literary Database

Who remembers having to visit the library and look up magazine articles in the long, long row of green hardbound Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature ? No disrespect against the Reader’s Guide— it’s still a…