- 3 Niagara Falls, New York
- 1 Niagara Hose House
- 1 Niagara Manufacturing Co.
- 1 Nibs (pen points)
- 1 Nicaragua
- 1 Nice Paints & Varnishes
- 2 Nice, France
- 1 Nicetown Hotel
- 42 Nicetown-Tioga
- 2 Niches
- 1 Nichiren Buddhism
- 3 Nicholai, Philipp, 1556-1608
- 1 Nicholas House
- 13 Nicholas Nickleby
- 1 Nicholas, of Tolentino, Saint
- 3 Nicholas, Saint, Bp. of Myra
- 2 Nicholas, Saint, Bp. of Myra - Blessing children in tub
- 2 Nicholls, House & Sign Painting
- 1 Nichols, Minerva Parker, d. 1949
- 6 Nicodemus (Biblical figure)
- 1 Nicole Nielson & Co.
- 1 Nicotiana (genus)
- 1 Nidelet, S. F.
- 18 Night
- 9 Night photographs
- 1 Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910
- 1 Nightingale, J. H. (Joseph Henry)
- 3 Niles Bement Pond Co.
- 1 Nine Power Pact
- 39 Nineteenth Street
- 1 Nineteenth Street
- 41 Nineteenth Street
- 62 Ninth Street
- 1 Ninth Street
- 1 Nisbett, Louisa, 1812?-1858
- 1 Nitrate
- 1 Nixon's Mill
- 41 Nizami Ganjavi, 1140 or 1141-1202 or 1203
- 1 No Thoroughfare
- 3 Noah (Biblical figure) - Ark