Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) for Michael Musselmann (Never be conceited [Haltet euch nicht selbst für klug])

Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) for Michael Musselmann (Never be conceited [Haltet euch nicht selbst für klug])

Item Info

Item No: frk00713
Title: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) for Michael Musselmann (Never be conceited [Haltet euch nicht selbst für klug])
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 262
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink

Haltet euch \ nicht selbst für klug. Vergelted niemand böses mit bösem. \ Fleissiget euch der ehrbarkeit gegen \ jedermann. Ist es möglich so viel \ an euch ist so habt mit allen menschen \ frieden. Römer das 12te Capitel. \ Herr dein wort bleibet ewiglich, so weit der \ Himmel ist. Deine wahrheit währet für und \ für. Du hast die erde zugerichtet und sie \ bleibet stehen. Psalm 119 vers 89 u. 90.
Wohl dem der klug ist, und der da lehrt. So man es gerne hört. O wie groß ist der so weise ist. \ Aber wer fürchtet über den ist niemand. Denn die furcht Gottes gehet über alles. Wer dieselbe vest \ hält, wem kan man dem vergleichen. Sirach im 25ten Capitel Vom 12ten bis 14ten Vers. \ Bedencke an deinen Schöpfer, in deiner jugend ehe dein die bösen Tage kommen, und die \ Jahre herzu tretten: wo du wirst sagen sie gefallen mir nicht. Prediger Salomonis in d. 12ten Capitel

A A A A B B B B C D D E E E F F G G G G G G G H H H \ Ch Ch Ch J J J K K K L L L M M M N N N O O P P Q Q Q \ R R R S S T T U U U V V V V W W W W X X Y \ Y Z Z ß tz Sch St Ä Ö Ü a b c d e f ff g h ch j i k l ll m n o p q r s \ ss s t t u st v w w x y z ß tz st ä ö ü 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20

Geschrieben in Hempfield Taunschip im Monath Mertz 1794 von Christian Strenge Schuldiener

[in left heart]
Diese \ Vorschrift \ gehöret vor den \ Michael Musselmann

[in right heart]
Daß Hertze mein soll dir allein. \ Herr Jesu gantz ergeben \ seyn. Singet und spielet \ dem Herrn in \ eurem \ Hertzen.


Don’t be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil with evil. Practice what is noble toward everybody. If possible so far as it depends on you have peace will all people. Romans, the 12th chapter. Lord, your word remains forever as long as Heaven exists. Your truth endures forever and ever. You created the earth and it stands fast. Psalm 119, verses 89 and 90.
Happy is the one who is smart and who teaches what people like to hear. O how great is the one who is wise. But there is none above the one who fears. For the fear of God is above everything. Who can be likened to the one who holds on to it. Sirach, in the 25th chapter, from the 12th to the 17th verse. [Sirach 25:9-11] Think of your creator in your youth, before the bad days come and the years draw near: when you will say, I don’t like them. The preacher Salomon in the 12th chapter. [Ecclesiastes 12:1] 

A A A A B B B B C D D E E E F F G G G G G G G H H H Ch Ch Ch J J J K K K L L L M M M N N N O O P P Q Q Q R R R S S T T U U U V V V V W W W W X X Y Y Z Z ß tz Sch St Ä Ö Ü a b c d e f ff g h ch j i k l ll m n o p q r s ss s t t u st v w w x y z ß tz st ä ö ü 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20

Written in Hempfield Township in the month of March 1794 by Christian Strenge, schoolteacher.

[in left heart]
This writing exercise belongs to Michael Musselmann.

[in right heart]
The heart of mine shall be dedicated to you alone, Lord Jesus. Play and sing to the Lord in your hearts.

Category: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur and German script covers the entire document. The first letter, which is decorated with various flowers, is particularly prominent. Some text in Fraktur is within an inverted heart below the initial letter and within a heart in the lower right corner. Along the sides are undulating leafy vines with various flowers, including tulips. The entire document is framed by a decorative border. This fraktur was one of four from the FLP collection that were exhibited in the Face of America exhibit at the 1958 World's Fair in Brussels.  FLP 4, 53, and an unidentified certificate dated 1812 were the other three fraktur.


Associated Names: Strenge, Christian
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman


"Christian Strenge" in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 742-746.

"Fraktur at the World's Fair," The Magazine Antiques (May 1958);  p. 476.

Maine Antiques Digest (October 1976), published on p. 2-B.

Pennsylvania Folklife (Fall 1958), published on p. 24.

David R. Johnson, “Christian Strenge, Fraktur Artist,” in Der Reggeboge 13, no. 3 (July 1979): 1-24.

Janine Pollock, "The Free Library of Philadelphia's Pennsylvania German Collection," in Framing Fraktur: Pennsylvania German Material Culture & Contemporary Art, ed. Judith Tannenbaum (Philadelphia: Free Library of Philadelphia, 2015), published on p. 19 as fig. 7.

Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on inscription on document
City/Town/Township:Hempfield Township

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1794
Image Dimensions Width: 32 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 713
Creator Name: Christian Strenge (1757-1828) - Decorator
Christian Strenge (1757-1828) - Scrivener

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