"The Beloved Adventurer" (Page 24 - Back Cover)

Theatre Lubin Film Manufacturing Company

Item Info

Item No: thcl01771
Title: "The Beloved Adventurer" (Page 24 - Back Cover)
Additional Title: The Lubin Bulletin Vol. I, No. 18
Publication Date: 11/28/1914
Media Type: House Organs
Source: Theatre Collection

A series of beautiful photoplays

The talk of the movie fans

“The Beloved Adventurer” By Emmett Campbell Hall

Featuring Arthur Johnson and Lottie Briscoe

Also published in book form — first edition 50,000 copies all sold — second edition now ready.

Heralds for “The Beloved Adventurer” from Hennegan & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Posters from the A. B. C. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 

Released on the regular programme every Monday through the General Film Co. 

1st of Series — “Lord Cecil Intervenes”

2nd of Series — “An Untarnished Shield”

3rd of Series — “An Affair of Honor”

4th of Series — “An American Heiress”

5th of Series — “The Girl From the West”

6th of Series — “The Golden Hope”

7th of Series — “The Holdup”

8th of Series — “A Partner to Providence”

9th of Series — “Lord Cecil Plays a Part”

10th of Series — “Lord Cecil Keeps his Word”

11th of Series — “The Serpent Comes to Eden”

A Series of 15 Single Reel Dramatic Photoplays — One Released Each Monday. The First was released September 14th. 

Fifteen chapters to the Book, each chapter in its regular order, representing a release. Full cloth binding, with fifteen full page half-tone illustrations, including an autographed frontispiece of Arthur Johnson. 

Single copies, 25 cents; in lots of 25 or more, 15 cents each. 

Secure these books from the General Film Co. Exchanges. Exhibitors are urged to place immediate orders as the Edition is now limited. 

Call Number: Lubin - Bulletin I:18