Love Letter (Liebesbrief)

Love Letter (Liebesbrief)

Item Info

Item No: frk00126
Title: Love Letter (Liebesbrief)
Creation Date: 12/26/1769
Scripts/Text: German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 908
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink

[in center]
Wan ich kom so bin ich hier, wan ich brau so gab ich bier, wan ich back so so gab ich brodt, wenn ich sterb so bin ich mauß tod.

[in hearts, starting at bottom, going counter clockwise]
1. \ Ja wan ich dich \ mein Schatz nicht sehe \ so ist mein Hertz \ Voll angst \ und mühe
2. \ Und möchte mir \ all Augenblick, \ zerspringen in \ viel tausend \ Stück
3. \ Treu zu lieben ich \ verlange, mit rech= \ ter lieb verwun= \ det gantz
4. \ Dann lie= ben und \ nicht wieder geliebt, macht \ manches schöne Hertz betrübt, \ aber lieben alle beyd, \ macht Zwey \ Hertzen voller \ Freud
5. Mein Hertz das brendt \ in lieber glut, weiß aber \ nicht wie deines thut. Ist \ dein Hertz als wie das mein, so wird die \ Lieb beständig \ sein.
6. \ Mein lieber Schatz unsern Liebes \ flammen, kommen \ mit der Zeit \ zu sammen.
7. Drum Hertzens Lieb \ halt du nur fest, gleich wie \ der Baum sein äst, gleich \ wie der Weinstock seine \ Reben, so thu ich dir \ mein Hertz \ ergeben
8. \ Mein Hertz, \ dein Hertz, \ Ein Hertz, \ Ohn allen Schertz. \ d. 26ten Xtm \ 1769

[below circle in center]
G249g 818g [Georg Lang]


When I arrive, I will be here; when I brew, I make beer; when I bake, I make bread; when I die, I am dead as a mouse.

[in hearts, starting at bottom, going counter clockwise]
1. Yes, when I don’t see you, my darling, my heart is filled with dread and sorrow
2. And would at every moment spring apart in many thousand pieces.
3. I desire faithful love, wounded completely with right love.
4. For to love and not being loved back makes many a beautiful heart sad; but if both love, then two hearts are filled with joy.
5. My heart burns in the blaze of love, but it does not know how yours is doing. Is my heart like mine, then the love will persist.
6. My dear darling, our flames of love will come together with time.
7. Hold firmly on to your heart’s love, like the tree to his branches, and the grapevine to its vine; So I will surrender my heart to you.
8. My heart, your heart, one heart, without any joking. The 26th December 1769.

[below circle in center]
G249g 818g [Georg Lang]

Category: Love Letter (Liebesbrief)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in German script is in a circle in the center of the document, and in eight hearts around it. Leafy stems of various flowers, including tulips, decorate the spaces between the hearts and around the circle. The entire document is enclosed by a solid border. According to Frederick S. Weiser, the name Georg Lang is written in a code common in German in the eighteenth century in both Europe and America. Lang could have been the artist, recipient, or person who commissioned this piece.

Associated Names: Lang, Georg
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman

Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:Possibly European

Image Dimensions Width: 31 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 126
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener

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