
Item Info

Item No: mcai740161
Additional Title: Antiphonary
Script: Rotunda
Language: Latin
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Initial C with the Resurrection
Notes: This initial begins an antiphon that appears to be for Vespers of Easter Sunday, "Crucifixus surrexit tertia die ..." (The crucified one rose on the third day). It is followed by the first words of Psalms 109-112, which were recited on Sundays at Vespers.

The elaborate border contains several miniatures embedded within the frame. In the lower border, the central miniature contains the figures of St. Zenobius, the first bishop of Florence, and his two deacons, Sts. Eugenius and Crescentius. They are flanked by two unidentified martyr saints, who hold palm branches. A roundel in the right border contains four virgin martyr saints, also holding palm branches. A curious scene in the upper border depicts three ducks wading in a pond. The Classical decorative motifs throughout the border are commonly found in Renaissance illumination.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1639042
Country: Country:Italy

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1510
Image Dimensions Width: 589 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 74:16

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