Item Info
Item No: PIXC00036
Title: Joy At The Home Of The National Candidate
Publication Date:
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection
This cartoon presents a lively scene of the newfound attention and excitement brought to the small town of a national political candidate. The participation of a local politician in a national race often thrust small towns into the spotlight and instilled an increased sense of pride in its inhabitants. The artist shows the hectic, circus-like appearance of a normally unknown town after the influx of the national press, onlookers, and the curious.
McDougall, Walt. "Joy at the Home of a National Candidate." The North American. (Philadelphia, PA). 1904, August 21.
Country: Country:United States
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1904
Creator Name: McDougall, Walt (1858-1938) - Artist
The North American - Publisher