Book of Hours, use of Utrecht

Medieval Manuscripts
Book of Hours, use of Utrecht

Item Info

Item No: mca1290841
Additional Title: Book of Hours, use of Utrecht
Script: Gothic bookhand
Language: Dutch
Folio Number: f. 84r
Source: Rare Book Department

The manuscript has been dated to ca. 1460.

Notes: Initial M
Notes: This folio begins the Office of the Dead. The exquisite initial and border were illuminated by an artist working in a group identified today as the Masters of Margriet Uutenham, so named after a book of hours made for Margriet. This group was active in the eastern Netherlands around 1460. Their style is characterized by such features as can be seen here: large, almost monumental, initials filled in with white foliate motifs as well as a tendency to fill empty spaces with bold and intricate decorative designs predominantly executed in dark colors.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1560761
Country: Country:Netherlands
Cardinal Point:eastern

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1475
Image Dimensions Width: 152 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 129
Creator Name: Geert Groote (translator) - Author
Masters of Margriet Uutenham - Artist

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