Choir psalter

Item Info

Item No: mcai420011
Additional Title: Choir psalter
Script: Gothic bookhand
Language: Latin
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Initial D with the Trinity
Notes: This cutting can be dated to ca. 1380.
Notes: This initial begins Psalm 109, "Dixit dominus domino meo sede a dextris meis" (The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand). This psalm was read at Vespers on Sunday. This verse was understood to refer to the Trinity, which explains the iconography.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1644476
Country: Country:Germany
City/Town/Township:Hamburg ?

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1399
Image Dimensions Width: 319 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 42:1

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