Chevrolet (Top) 4 Chevrolet touring cars with US Border Patrol (Bottom) 1913 Chevrolet touring car

Automobile Reference Domestic Cars, Makes A-Z
Chevrolet (Top) 4 Chevrolet touring cars with US Border Patrol (Bottom) 1913 Chevrolet touring car

Item Info

Item No: arcd01821
Title: Chevrolet (Top) 4 Chevrolet touring cars with US Border Patrol (Bottom) 1913 Chevrolet touring car
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

 (1) Chevrolet Fleet Aids U.S. Border Patrol

To strengthen its border patrol against smugglers and aliens on the Mexican border the U.S. Immigration Service at Brownsville, Texas, recently added four Chevrolet touring cars to its auto squadron

(2) Thirteen Years Old

This Chevrolet has been driven 260,000 miles, or more than 10 times around the world, by A.R. M. STone, stationery broker of 6135 Wagner Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. He bought the car in 1913, the first year of Chevrolet production and since has driven 60 to 70 miles a day. Averaging 25 miles per gallon, the car has burned about 10,4000 gallons of gas or approximately the capacity of two railroad tank cars. Mr. Stone believes his car is the oldest Chevrole in active service.
