Frontispiece from a Dogale, depicting the Transfiguration

Medieval Manuscripts Medieval Manuscript Fragments
Frontispiece from a Dogale, depicting the Transfiguration

Item Info

Item No: mcai270131
Title: Frontispiece from a Dogale, depicting the Transfiguration
Additional Title: Dogale
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department

 A dogale (pl. dogali) is a document issued by a doge, the title for the highest elected official in several Italian republics. The Doge of Venice was one of the most powerful among them. Dogali were used to transfer power to certain individuals, granting them various rights, responsibilities, and privileges. Although secular documents, the iconography of illuminated dogali was usually religious in nature to suggest the approval of divine authority. This miniature depicts the Transfiguration of Christ, with Moses and Elijah the Prophet in the heavens with Jesus, and the apostles John, Peter, and James on the ground. This references the version of the story told in Matthew 17:1-9; Matthew 17:5 is quoted at the top of the cutting.

Country: Country:Italy

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1599
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 27:13

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