Word Spreads of Free Library's Possible Closing

By Kathleen RSS Mon, September 14, 2009

The news that the entire Free Library of Philadelphia system is in jeopardy of closing on October 2 has resonated throughout the virtual world. People are expressing their dismay over the loss of services and programs on Twitter and penning eloquent blogs about the role of public libraries in our society and throughout history.

We love your passion and deeply appreciate your support. Express your activist spirit by continuing to send the message to Harrisburg and our state legislators that libraries are essential services. Link up below and help us fight the good fight.

Info on contacting Pennsylvania’s legislators: http://www.freelibrary.org/

Great article featuring activist Cory Doctorow and links to Twitter, Facebook, etc : http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/our-money/fight_to_save_free_library_goes_viral.html


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Some students transpire the responsibility to expert resume writers because they lack the skill to write a good resume so that the argument why students need to , but such people like writer don't do that. Thanks for the text. Really important topic about it.
Alex - Ukraine
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

re: "We love your passion and deeply appreciate your support." Dear Free Library Blog, where were you when Director Siobhan Reardon wanted to close down 11 branches last November?
Allan Smithee - Philadelphia, PA
Tuesday, September 15, 2009