Post from Library's New President and Director

By Kathleen RSS Mon, September 8, 2008

I would like to take this opportunity to say hello to Philadelphia and to let you know that along with the trustees, directors, and staff of the Free Library, I look forward to continuing a long and wonderful tradition of providing quality library service to all residents of Philadelphia.

I am excited about all of the possibilities and challenges there are to providing the kind of library services you want, buildings you want to go to, and programs that meet your interests or will spark you to investigate another. The Free Library of Philadelphia is here for youit's your library. As I visit each of the regional and neighborhood libraries that make up this wonderful system I hope to be able to meet as many Philadelphians as I possibly can so that I can hear directly from you what you would like to see happening in your library. In the meantime, please feel free to respond to this message. I look forward to hearing from you.


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Welcome Ms Riordan to the Presidency of this wonderful library! LOng may you wave! I do not know if you are familiar yet with the "new and improved" catalog software design that has been driving patrons(and Librarians) crazy for over 2 years. I'm a communications specialist and it was obviously contracted out (thru whose influence??) to a firm that had never done catalog software before. Despite the outcry of users, only a few cosmetic "tweaks" have taken place. Every day, patrons are discouraged by its clunky and difficult interface and lack of useful information, as compared with the old version -- and librarians must patiently help them cope. More than 1 librarian has confessed privately that they revert to the OLD software to find items more efficiently. Is there ANY hope of a realistic review by a neutral source (NOT whoever assigned this project)about the shortcomings of this regrettable software, and a REAL fix (or scrapping of it)? I shall be happy to stand at a computer with you and demonstrate how mystifying and misleading this "new NOT improved" version is for patrons. It does not do justice to the professionalism and helpfulness I have found from the library staff, whom I admire immensely. Sincerely yours
Janet - Philadelphia
Monday, September 15, 2008

Emily - Example: Philadelphia
Monday, September 15, 2008

I actually like searching for exact book titles better in the new site. Only librarians know how to use the old site.
Jane - Philly
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Amy - Example: Philadelphia
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Amy - Example: Philadelphia
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dear Director Reardon: Given the importance you give to sharing information with staff, I have a suggestion. Can you make the minutes of the Board of Trustees available for staff to read in digital form on the staff web site or, better yet, for all to read on the public web site? I am aware that Mr. Shelkrot had the minutes digitalized so there should not be a technical impediment to this. Thank you for your committment to candor and transparency and for reaching out to all.
Jim - Example: Philadelphia
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome to the Free Library. I used to be a Brooklyn Public Library user, so I was interested to see that you used to work in that (illustrious) system. When I moved,I was very happy to find how good the FLP is; I hope things go well for you.
Myra - Example: Philadelphia
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hey Kathleen, Congratulations!! I am sure you will do a great job!! Best of luck.
Nathan Maurice - Sydney Australia
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Siobhan, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this free library, I have used it many time for my school projects, and it has been so valuable !
Janet Meiss - Texas
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dear Siobhan, Congratulations on getting this job! We miss you in Brooklyn and think you'll do a great job with the Free Library. Sue Levy
Susan - Brooklyn, NY
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Congratulations, and welcome aboard! Let us keep knowledge free for all.
Charles - Vancouver
Thursday, October 9, 2008

haley - Example: Philadelphia
Monday, May 18, 2009

I frequent many library locations in Northeast Philadelphia. The tacony and Torresdale locatiions are run exceptionally well. However, the NER is starting to become a baby-sitting locations for many parents. I see very young children being dropped off-sometime 5 and 6 in a group-and the adult saying, "I'll be back at ??? time." I suggest you have someone look into this on a Saturday/Sunday and after 3:00 PM weekdays. Should something happen to these children, will the Library be responsible?
James Janco - NER
Saturday, October 8, 2011