Keep it Fresh with Fresh Herbs!

By Shayna M. RSS Thu, June 9, 2022

Fresh herbs add flavor and nutrition to meals, they are beautiful when added to dishes, and many of them have unique fragrances. They are like tiny greens!

Maybe fresh herbs will inspire poems, cooking, or preserving like they do for Sunshine, Tonii, and Erik! Or perhaps the idea of fresh herbs invites container gardening, making observations at the grocery store, or creating art! What fresh herbs are your favorites, or are ones that you are most curious to learn more about?

Learn more about Erik's tip for drying fresh herbs and if interested in growing more fresh herbs from the ones you have, discover how to grow herbs from scraps!

Big thank you to all of the Nourishing Literacy team members who participated in making this video, with extra gratitude to Erik Ildefonzo and Frank Alston Abbott for sharing their skills in editing our Keep it Fresh with Fresh Herbs! video! Our accompanying glossary can be referenced to support creative cooking, writing, and learning extensions.

Nourishing Literacy offers food, literacy, wellness, and life skills activities and events to community members, with our core audience being the children, youth, teachers, and caregivers. Nourishing Literacy is made possible in part by a generous grant from the Edna G. Kynett Memorial Foundation.

To learn more about the Culinary Literacy Center, please visit our website or connect with us through Instagram and Facebook.

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I seek to become advantageous in sharing the knowledge and care You possess for herbs. Unfortunately, I have been unable to attend the presentations @ FLP. Please provide any opportunities. Grateful. Alphonso Dandridge (215) 388 0840
Alphonso - Philadelphia
Monday, July 25, 2022