New Year's Resolutions: Moving Forward by Taking a Step Back in 2021

By Kamilah C. RSS Thu, December 31, 2020

What can I say about 2020 that hasn’t already been said?

The Coronavirus pandemic completely turned the world upside-down and forced many of us to hunker down in our households, work from home, and greatly alter the way we travel and interact with our family, friends, and co-workers.

In the beginning of the initial quarantine, it was really easy for me to find time during the day to meditate, workout, and still get my work done during my normal hours. Quarantine ended up being quite the gift, as it forced many of us (including myself) to slow down and reset. But as the days turned to months, I became more and more glued to my work computer and self-care became less of a priority. There were even days when I didn’t take a break and missed lunch! Seriously, how does that happen at home?!?

Moving forward, my resolution for 2021 seems simple, but is easier said than done. I want to get back into the practice of unplugging for at least ten minutes every day and sitting still. The news is scary, human interaction is stressful, and things are, in general… a mess. Taking the time for yourself to simply be still is incredibly underrated and should not be taken for granted.

Here are some books and other resources that may be helpful for your wellness journey in 2021. Here’s to better days!

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism by Fumio Sasaki
Getting rid of the majority of my possessions is not practical to me, but learning to free myself of a few things is a good start for a wellness overhaul.







Chair Yoga on Facebook Live
Fumo Family Library has a number of virtual yoga classes coming up in January that will be streamed live on their Facebook page.




Meditating with The Dalai Lama
If you want to get started with daily meditation, you might as well learn from one of the best! Available to watch on Kanopy with your library card.



Flâneuse: Women Walk the City in Paris, New York, Tokyo, Venice, and London by Lauren Elkin
I’m looking forward to reading this one. These days, getting out in the fresh air can help get rid of that cabin fever feeling. And while it may look different (with masks and hand sanitizer in tow), I’m hoping this can give me some motivation to get up and get out (safely) when I need it most. Also, I’ve aimlessly walked the streets of New York, Paris, and London, so I’m curious to hear what the author has to say about it.




Have a safe and happy New Year!

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