Partner Spotlight: Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians

By CaitlinT RSS Thu, October 12, 2017

In this edition of Partner Spotlight, we are thrilled to speak with Herman Nyamunga, the Director of  the Welcoming Center's Global Enterprise Hub! In this role, Herman provides technical assistance to entrepreneurs and business owners to successfully establish, stabilize, and expand their microenterprises. Herman is a Licensed Consultant for the Standards for Excellence Program, which advances ethics and accountability standards in nonprofit management nationwide. He has an MBA from Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania and a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Kenyatta University, Kenya.

What makes the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians unique in Philadelphia’s business community?
The Welcoming Center is unique because it is the only place in the entire Philadelphia region where clients from anywhere in the world can walk in and be sure to get quality service delivered in a linguistically and culturally sensitive way. Our staff nearly speak all the main languages of the United Nations!  Our business advisors have a wealth of experience drawn from over 30 countries around the world and this is a value addition to the services they provide for they understand the entrepreneurial ecosystem of most countries where our clients come from. There is no any other small business technical assistance providers in the city with this kind of capacity

Who currently uses your services and who should start?
Our services are generally used by folks who are in the process of planning to start new businesses, and those who already have businesses and are looking at scaling up/growth. Also, foreign businesses that are looking at establishing a presence in our city will come to us for Soft Landing Services or J-1 Visa services (Sponsor and Hosting).

What is your favorite local event of the year?
My favorite local event of the year is Minority Enterprise Development Week (MEDWeek) because it showcases the power of immigrant and minority enterprise development, and is also just a chance to attend great workshops.

What is something awesome that people may not know about your organization?
The Welcoming Center Small Business Program (now known as the Global Enterprise Hub) works both locally and internationally. We are among 31 centers in the world designated as Softlanding by the International Business Incubation Association. Also, the Welcoming Center's small business program provides Logic Model (A Tool for Project Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Training to nonprofits).

Any fond library memories?
My first time in a library was as a student at Eastern University in St. Davids. Our professor organized for us to come to the Foundation Center and be trained on how to search for grants. It opened up a whole world of possibilities and I have continued to use those resources to date. My second experience was when we got training on how to use the business databases with the BRIC. I use them everyday and also show my business clients how to use the databases for their market research. In our business planning class, it is a must-know tool.

... and finally, what are you currently reading?
I am reading Value Proposition Design by Alexander Osterwalder and Yvess Pigneur. (coming soon to our collection!)

Herman and the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians are partnering with the BRIC for our upcoming Small Business Startup Day on 10/21! Come network with their team (as well as many other small business resource organizations!) to find out how they can help you grow your small business at this one-stop shop for entrepeneurs!

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