Muhammad Ali's Philly Ties

By Peter SM RSS Wed, June 8, 2016

The world is mourning the death of another larger-than-life pop culture icon, hero, and force of sheer nature: Muhammad Ali.

The self-described, but no less true, "Greatest of All Time" may have been a worldwide phenomenon, but he also had special Philly-area ties:


  • Lastly, in September 2013, Ali received the highly prestigious Liberty Medal during a ceremony at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

You can read and watch more about Muhammad Ali's life from our catalog list, The Greatest of All Time, as well as view a selection of correspondence letters between Ali and poet Marianne Moore, temporarily on display in the library partner desk of the Rosenbach.

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Loved the Mike Douglas Show clip. Classic!
Doctor Darling
Thursday, June 9, 2016