Gerard Brown and Amanda D'Amico Exhibition and Opening Reception

By Laura S. RSS Tue, January 12, 2016

The Print and Picture Collection is pleased to announce a new exhibition in the Print and Picture Collection Hallway Gallery. The exhibition, Gerard Brown and Amanda D'Amico, features paintings and prints by Gerard Brown and artists' books and prints by Amanda D'Amico and is on view from January 11 through February 26, 2016.

Gerard Brown is a painter living in Philadelphia. In addition to his painting, he organizes exhibitions and writes about art. He has curated exhibitions for the Philadelphia Art Alliance, the Galleries at Moore, and, most recently, the Center for Art in Wood. He is currently an associate professor and department chair of the Foundation Program at Tyler School of Art.

Amanda D'Amico is a book artist working under the imprint Tiny Revolutionary Press. She is the master printer at the Borowsky Center for Publication Arts, where she operates an offset press. Her work takes advantage of the multi-layered effects of overprinting to create an atmosphere for storytelling. Amanda earned an MFA in Book Arts and Printmaking at the University of the Arts.

This exhibition is part of PIX Open Call 2015, a call for entries for juried two-person exhibitions, which is made possible through the supporters of the Print and Picture Collection and the Robert F. Looney Fund. Contact 215-686-5405 or for more information.

Join us Saturday, February 6, for the opening reception of Gerard Brown and Amanda D'Amico, in the Print and Picture Collection. Meet the artists and discuss their work. Free. 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Save the date: Artist Amanda D’Amico will talk about her work on Wednesday, February 3, at 6:00 p.m. in the Print and Picture Collection.

Print and Picture Collection Hallway Gallery
Parkway Central Library, Second Floor
Free Library of Philadelphia
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Hallway Gallery Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.,  Sat 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.,  Sun 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

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