The Free Library's Living Library: Participant Sneak Preview, Final Round!

By Grace R. RSS Wed, June 20, 2012

And so the countdown begins for the Free Library's Living Library event, to take place on Wednesday, June 20, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 108 of Parkway Central! To whet your appetites for what is sure to be an amazing evening, we would like to introduce you to two more of our lovely participants: Kendra Greaves and Roy Kaiser, both of whom are very active participants in Philadelphia's vibrant performing arts scene!

Kendra is an internationally renowned aerialist and circus artist who specializes in corde lisse (vertical rope), tissu, and doubles trapeze. She became involved in circus and aerial work in 2003 but began her athletic and performance career at the age of four, when she started to compete on a synchronized swim team. Her efforts in the swimming pool led her to attain a high national ranking for four years and also gave rise to her subsequent participation in speed swimming, horseback riding, and fencing. Since entering the aerial and circus arenas in 2003, Kendra has performed on five continents and taught and trained all over the world. She most recently performed as a triple-trapeze aerialist in Cirque du Soleil's Varekai

Roy Kaiser joined the Pennsylvania Ballet in 1979 and was later promoted to Soloist and Principal Dancer, performing nearly all of the principal male roles in the Company's classical repertoire. In 1987, he was appointed Assistant Ballet Master and was named Ballet Master when he retired from performing in 1992. In October of 1993, he was named Associate Artistic Director of the Company and was ultimately named its Artistic Director in February of 1995. During his tenure as Artistic Director, the company has performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC on several occasions, including as part of the Center's Ballet Across America program in June 2008, which focused on the depth and history of American ballet via performances by nine companies from across the country. He also oversaw the Company's international debut at the Edinburgh International Festival in August 2005, where it performed the 40th anniversary commission of Christopher Wheeldon's Swan Lake

Interested in hearing more from Kendra or Roy? Stop by our Living Library and check out their stories for yourself! See bios of all of our participants in our Flickr set and see previous sneak previews at!

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