Humanitarian Efforts in Pakistan: How to Help those Devastated by Recent Floods

By Jen W. RSS Tue, August 17, 2010

“I will never forget the destruction and suffering I have witnessed today. In the past I have visited the scenes of many natural disasters around the world, but nothing like this."

Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon

Thousands of people have been killed by recent massive floods in Pakistan, which have washed away millions of hectares of crops, submerged villages, destroyed roads and bridges, and spread disease among survivors. While the disaster does not appear to be getting the press in the United States that the Haitian earthquakes did, its scope and impact is no less dire, and it is receiving worldwide attention and support.

If you are looking for information on the disaster and how to help, here are a few sites to visit:

Check out the FTC's guide to avoiding charity fraud.

Need to know more about Pakistan?  Try these resources instead of Wikipedia:

  • Background Note: Pakistan - Compiled by the US Department of State; a brief encyclopedic description of the geography and history of Pakistan
  • Visit our Databases Page and go to the World Book Discover Encyclopedia for a more detailed country description

Recommended Reading:

Three Cups of Tea - Also available in a Young Reader's Edition, this book describes one man's humanitarian efforts building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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Please, people! These are human beings who are in need of our help. Surely people living in a wealthy nation like ours can help.
MRB - Eastern US
Saturday, August 21, 2010

My heart goes out to those affected. Over 20 million people have been affected and a greater threat of water borne diseases now exists. Gregory
Gary - New York
Monday, September 13, 2010

what a blog i like it because this blog is so informative
shown - karachi
Thursday, February 10, 2011

This post is very informative and useful.. Thanks for sharing knowledge
shigago -
Monday, February 14, 2011

I think I'd like to go and be involved in the efforts. I think too many times once the news stops reporting it, we stop caring. Matthew
Matthew David - Windsor
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Very informative post. You made some good points. I especially found it useful where you stated the value of technology.
edmondpogi - Manila
Thursday, February 17, 2011

is there nothing we can do to help these people?
Monday, August 6, 2012